International Symposium on Wood Science and Technology 2025 (ISWST2025) with the Session of 2025 World Wood Day Symposium and the Seventh IUFRO Forest Products Culture Colloquium, Japan on March 17th-19th, 2025The Japan Wood Research Society invites all scientists interested and involved in various aspects of wood to the International Symposium on Wood Science and Technology 2025 (ISWST2025) at Sendai International Center, Sendai…
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The 26th International Wood Machining Seminar (IWMS), Italy on April 14th-15th, 2025The 26th International Wood Machining Seminar (IWMS 26) will be held in Florence, Italy on the 14th and 15th of April 2025, hosted by the University of Florence, Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI). You are warmly invited to attend and contribute to IWMS-26, and to join the post-seminar industrial tour…
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The 5th World Teak Conference 2025, India on September 17th-20th, 2025In 2025, Kerala will host the 5th World Teak Conference organized by the Kerala Forest Research Institute and coordinated by the International Teak Information Network (TEAKNET) India. This global event will take place in Grand Hyatt, Kochi, Kerala…
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