Tervuren Xylarium in Belgium
The Xylarium is the only governmental wood collection in Belgium, which contains 6,1474 specimens from about 1,4 000 species worldwide. Here is a brief introduction of the website
http://www.africamuseum.be/collections/browsecollections/naturalsciences/earth/xylarium/wood_collection. TervurenXylarium wood database is available from
http://www.africamuseum.be/collections/browsecollections/naturalsciences/earth/xylarium/xylarium/browse?g=A .
Wood collection in Kew Gardens, England
Kew's wood collection was founded in 1847, it contains over 34,000 specimens, placing it seventh amongst the world's xylaria. Here is the website of the xylarium
http://www.kew.org/science/collections/economic-botany-collection/explore-the-collection/wood-collection-xylarium. The Kew gardens also has microscope slide collections from over 150,000 specimens, for more information please visit http://www.kew.org/science/collections/microscope-slide-collection.
Xylarium in the University of Oxford, England
The xylarium is the University's wood collection and contains c. 24,000 wood blocks and 13,000 microscope slides; approximately 30% of wood blocks have associated microscope slides. Approximately 5% of accessions are from gymnosperms, and the remainder from non-gymnosperms (including palms and tree ferns). Visit the website
Xylothequein France
The wood collection or xylotheque (from the Greek xulon which means "wood") was initially located at Nogent-sur-Marne and was later transferred to Montpellier in 1994. It has about 35,400 specimens representing 8,420 species, 2,155 genera and 235 botanical families. Visit the website for more information
Centre Technique du Bois et de l'Ameublement (FCBA), Nouvelle Aquitaine, France
The xylarium was founded in 2020 and contains 16,191 specimens covering 7,366 species and 1,962 genera, as well as 2,195 microscopic slides representing 2195 species. For further information, please visit:
Xylarium in Thünen Institute of Wood Research, Hamburg
The xylarium was founded in 1939, and contains 35,000 specimens, representing 11,500 species, 2,400 genera. The xylarium developed and updated the computer-aid identification and description of CITES-protected trade timber, CITESwoodID, available in the delta-intkey system
Xylarium in Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden
The xylarium contains about 125,000 specimens (Dw 10,000; Lw 30,000; Uw 40,000; RTIw 35,000; WAGw including WLw and WIBw 10,000) covering over 2,000 genera and about 50,000 slides. All the wood specimens (ca. 125.000) have been digitized, and their information is available online (
Note: Please refer to
Index Xylariorum 4.1 for more information.